I'm launching my own HYPE

and you can do it too

If you are here, you probably want to learn about startups and fundraising.

You also probably know I launched my tech company hypeal.com and raised $200,000 with an idea on paper on revolutionizing digital assets for brands & creators.

On monday 10 AM ET I’ll be launching my own HYPE, dedicated to this community

Reply “yes” to [email protected] & receive:
1) a preview link of my HYPE digital asset launch page
2) link to launch your first HYPE for free 

HYPE is the digital asset for brand & creators. Each HYPE unlocks secret links to products, services, discounts & more

A Word From Our Sponsor

Bluedot is the first AI Note Taker backed by Google that records your meetings without bots joining the call. 

Visit bluedothq.com to learn more.

Not sure the best way to get started here? 

Select from these simple options to hit the ground running:

Option #1 Do you want to checkout all Free Resources on how to build a VC backed startup in 2024?  Get Free Access

Option #2 Do you want the VIP reader experience? Premium weekly resources, fundraising, priority investor intros, growth and more?  Join HYPES+

Option #3 Do you have a business, newsletter or project you want to promote in front of 14,000+ subscribers?  Apply To Get Featured

Option #4 Are you fundraising with commitments and would like investor intros in my network?  Share Your Round

Option #5 Are you an investor looking for new dealflow? I share startup round commitments weekly  Reveal This Week’s Round Commitments

Anything else? Hit reply to this email and let’s chat.

Now my premium entrepreneurial learnings updated weekly

Premium #1: Cheatsheet + Consulting Call To Launch Your Branded Digital Asset

Would you like raise money from your community & provide your VIP customers & followers with something special?

Get access to my cheatsheet + free consulting call on how to do this today.

Get HYPES+ ! (it’s free for 14 days)

Premium #2: Ideation to Acquisition Guide: Unit Economics

I launched litotravel.com in 2021, got into Forbes 30 under 30 retail and sold it in 2023.

I wrote a guide about it! Check it out

PS: this is a bootstrapped business with my savings and no investors - some say even more learnings!

Premium #3: Investor 1-Pager

Less is more!

Most people attention span is nowadays short - that counts for VCs as well.

Build a one-pager for warm intros or cold outreach attachment on LinkedIn.

Get HYPES+ and copy mine! (it’s free for 14 days)

Premium #4: How To Build A Financial Model

I’ve seen tons of templates on how to build a financial model.

The truth?

They rarely apply to you.

You have from start from scratch beacuse your business is unique.

If not unique, it will hardly be interesting for early stage VCs.

My Learnings (for VCs, not bootstrapping):

  • Focus on hypergrowth, not profitability until at least Series A

  • Have recurring revenue

  • Have a monthly P&L with revenue, costs, EBITDA + Your Key growth KPIs

  • Have a key KPI, a large number to grow exponentially (in my case it is revenue generated from selling branded digital assets)

  • Add key milestones to justify monthly growth changes

  • Use USD vs your local currency as the VC market is now global

Upgrade to HYPES+ for $0 for the first 14 days to receive mine.

Premium #5: How to build a Cap Table Simulation

VC: At which valuation are you raising?

Founder: right… $15M?

Don’t make this mistake. Have a simulation of your round, with share ownership and dilution forecasts of current and future investors.

Get HYPES+ and copy mine! (it’s free for 14 days)

How to get all these resources? Simply click on Upgrade below to have unlimited access to my premium fundraising resources & more, updated weekly.

Subscribe to Hypes + to read the rest.

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