hypeal.com Seed Deck

now raising a $2M in seed round

You’ve found your way here, probably because you're intrigued by the early days of Hypeal, eager to understand the genesis of an idea, perhaps you're on a mission to secure funding for your venture, or you've just stumbled upon this by chance (lucky you).

Earlier last year, fresh out of the Techstars accelerator, our founders at Hypeal - Marco, Andrea, and Akshay - were on the brink of something groundbreaking.

The digital asset space was gaining momentum, and the concept of loyalty tokens was brewing in our minds.

If you're curious about how a determined team is now raising a $2M in seed round, just drop your email below. We'll send you the exact, unfiltered pitch deck that is propelling Hypeal into the future. 👇🏽

p.s. by entering your email you’ll also be signed up to my weekly Marco Fazio’s HYPES newsletter where I share tactics and stories from my experiences building hypeal.com… and a whole lot learnings & good vibes.